맥시동시 단축키 모음
2006. 12. 13. 06:05
맥을 오래 쓰다보면, 문제가 생겨 재시동버튼을 누르면서 조합 단축키로 해결 볼일들이 많이 생깁니다. 아는 분들은 많이 아시겠지만, 맥 처음 사서 재시동해도 문제가 해결되지 않고 단축키도 모를때 난감한 경우를 만날 수가 있습니다.
저역시, 손은 외웠는데, 머리는 못 외웠습니다. 이걸 정리해둔 블로그가 있어 그대로 옮겼습니다.
저역시, 손은 외웠는데, 머리는 못 외웠습니다. 이걸 정리해둔 블로그가 있어 그대로 옮겼습니다.
- X during startup - Force Mac OS X startup
- option - (eventually) brings up a screen with startup volume choices
- Option-Command-Shift-Delete - Bypass primary startup volume and seek a different startup volume (such as a CD or external disk)
- C - Start up from a CD that has a system folder
- N - Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot)
- T - Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode (very handy for plugging your Mac into another as an external hard drive)
- Shift - start up in Safe Boot mode and temporarily disable login items and non-essential kernel extension files (Mac OS X 10.2 and later)
- Command-V - Start up in Verbose mode.
- Command-S - Start up in Single-User mode
- cmd-opt-p-r - Zap PRAM. Hold down until second chime.
- cmd-opt-n-v - Clear NV RAM. Similar to reset-all in Open Firmware.
- cmd-opt-o-f - Boot into open firmware
- hold mouse click - force eject a CD/DVD
Mac Intel
- Press C during startup Start up from a bootable CD or DVD, such as the Mac OS X Install disc that came with the computer.
- Press D during startup Start up in Apple Hardware Test (AHT), if the Install DVD 1 is in the computer.
- Press Option-Command-P-R until you hear two beeps. Reset NVRAM
- Press Option during startup Starts into Startup Manager, where you can select a Mac OS X volume to start from. Note: Press N to make the the first bootable Network volume appear as well.
- Press Eject, F12, or hold the mouse button Ejects any removable media, such as an optical disc.
- Press N during startup Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot).
- Press T during startup Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode.
- Press Shift during startup Start up in Safe Boot mode and temporarily disable login items.
- Press Command-V during startup Start up in Verbose mode.
- Press Command-S during startup Start up in Single-User mode.
- Press Option-N during startup Start from a NetBoot server using the default boot image.