애플 디자인어워드 2008 결과
애플이 WWDC에서 매년 최고/우수 소프트웨어를 발표하고 포상을 하는데, 이번에도 결과가 나왔습니다.
Best Student Runner Up: Flow
Best Student Winner: Squirrel
Graphics and Media Runner Up: Fotomagico
Graphics and Media Winner: ScreenFlow
Leopard User Experience Runner Up: CheckOut
Leopard User Experience Winner: Macnification
Leopard Game Runner Up: Command and Conquer 3
Leopard Game Winner: Guitar Hero 3
Best Leopard Application Runner Up: TimeLine 3D
Best Leopard Application Winner: ScreenFlow
Best iPhone Web App Runner Up: Associated Press
Best iPhone Web App Winner: Remember the Milk
Best iPhone Game: Enigmo
Best iPhone Entertainment App: AOL Radio
Best iPhone Social Networking: Twitterrific
Best iPhone Productivity App: OmniFocus
Best iPhone Health App: MIM
한번씩 구경해보시기 바랍니다. 이번에는 특이하게도 아이폰 관련 소프트웨어 부문이 들어갔네요.